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Photo by Vivian K on Unsplash

My specialty area as a coach is to help you achieve a new level of clarity and structure in your life, so you can achieve this “mind like water” state of mind.

I will help you clarify both your long term goals as well as your short term priorities. After that we will ensure together that you have the necessary structure and tools in place for managing your time effectively to achieve your chosen goals.

My main target group are creative entrepreneurs who have multiple different areas they work in and would like to manage their business better.


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I also give trainings on different topics that I have been studying and working on in practice throughout my whole career. My favorite topics include:

  • Self leadership
  • Effective team work
  • Feedback
  • Art of networking


If you want more information on the services I provide, send me an email.